Our Adoption Story

Our Adoption Story

Monday, January 26, 2015

Are They Sisters? The question that started it all...

One October afternoon in 2012, Blaire and I were at our favorite neighborhood park- Nothing unusual. Blaire makes friends with everyone at the park! She always has. And at the time, she was only 18 months. On that particular day, there was a little Asian girl who quickly befriended Blaire. The girls ran all over the jungle gym holding hands, and I heard our new friend calling Blaire her sister. Another mom also overheard this, looked at me and asked, “Are they sisters?”

This question changed everything.

This question was the seed God used to plant a desire for adoption in my heart. I smiled and said, “No, they’re not really sisters,” all the while thinking to myself, Wouldn’t that be so cool if they were? Wouldn’t that be a beautiful picture of the gospel to bring two girls- two girls who clearly don’t LOOK like sisters, but who are sisters, to the park?  That was the beginning of our adoption journey.  After that mom asked me Are they sisters, I could not get adoption out of my mind.

18 mo Blaire at our favorite park

At the time, David and I were trying to get pregnant with another child. Our second pregnancy ended up being an ectopic pregnancy- by the grace of God, a doctor discovered this, but we obviously lost our baby after just 6 weeks. We were a little discouraged because we weren’t getting pregnant as quickly as we had the first two times.  I was starting to wonder if the rest of our family would grow through adoption. That Christmas, we were visiting my sister in Greeley, CO. Her pastor preached about adoption. That seed God planted in October just continued to grow.  

In February 2013, we found out we were once again expecting! (That little baby is now a toddling energetic little boy- Brooks.) However, as soon I saw those two pink lines, I told David, “I still want to adopt.”  I was just excited about adopting as I was carrying another baby biologically. So far, God hadn’t planted a desire to adopt in David’s mind. I was okay with that- I knew that if God really wanted us to adopt, He would have to to give both of us the desire to adopt.

Fast forward a couple months to August. A dear friend convinced David to read, “Orphanology: Awakening to Gospel-Centered Adoption and Orphan Care” by Tony Merida and Rick Morton.  After reading just the first chapter, his heart was totally changed about adoption. He immediately opened a savings account for an adoption fund and started rearranging our budget so we could adopt! 
Though it took about 10 months for that adoption seed to finally sprout, God kept watering it, and now we are acting in obedience to Him as we try to adopt.

My hope is that this blog will be a helpful way to keep you all up to date about our adoption process. In addition, I hope our entire adoption will glorify God as I share it with you.
In my next blogs, I’ll explain why we chose India, and I’ll give an update on where we’re at in our adoption process.

Thanks for reading. And thank you so much for all your prayers and support!
