Our Adoption Story

Our Adoption Story

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

NOC... What?!?

I prayed.

She called.

HE answered.

This whole adoption process has been very complicated- half the time I don’t even understand all the acronyms and steps. But, this last completed step has me stunned.

Last Monday (eight days ago- that’s important!!), we received our Article 5 from the US Embassy in India. This allowed us to wait for our NOC (No Objection Certificate). That document allows us to begin the court process, which allows us to TRAVEL, which allows us to bring HER home!

Normally, it takes months between receiving the Article 5 and NOC. According to our official approval guidelines, “Please note that this approval could take anywhere from 3-9 months or longer.” Ours took eight days, EIGHT DAYS!

For some reason, perhaps the Holy Spirit, I prayed that we would receive the NOC this week. And I just received a call. A call that would have no other purpose that to say our NOC was sent.

Why am I surprised? Why am I in shock? Maybe I didn’t believe God could answer that gigantic request. Again, I’m humbled by small faith. And I’m overwhelmed by His grace to overflow His blessing upon our family in spite of this momma’s mustard-seed-sized faith.

“For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”
 Matthew 17:20

So where are we at now? We are officially in the court process! After receiving verbal approval from the judge, we get to travel to India, meet our sweet girl and bring her home. When? Great question. Here’s what our approval timeframe says:
“Each judge and court system in India will have varying timeframes for when they schedule appointments and how long approvals take. In most cases the court process lasts 5-6 months. In roughly 25% of cases the court process will exceed this timeline.
In some rare cases, an adoption petition can be reviewed and approved in one court hearing.”

So, guess what I’m praying? Yes, I’m praying we will be that “rare case”. One court hearing and one great-big approval! I can’t wait to tell you’ve when we’ve received THAT CALL.

Until then, we will be transitioning Brooks to a bed, setting "B3" up in Blaire’s room, and quickly restocking our baby girl toys. This to do list is so much better than paperwork!

Keep praying for God to accomplish big things with us

So grateful,