Our Adoption Story

Our Adoption Story

Friday, February 20, 2015


Look at your globe. Go ahead- spin it around a few time. There are almost 200 countries among seven continents. It’s huge, right? And have you looked up the statistics recently on the number of orphans worldwide? Most sources provide different figures, but roughly 17.8 million children are “double orphaned” having lost both parents; 153 million children worldwide have lost one of their parents making them a “single orphan.” These stats probably don’t reflect the number of social orphans living in institutions.

So, it’s a big world full of helpless children in need. We can only adopt one or maybe two. Where do we even start?

We are starting in India.

David won our church’s curry cook-off our first year in Hawaii, but other that that we don’t have huge ties to Indian culture! It’s hard to explain why we chose India- we both just agreed that we want a little girl from India.

When I visited my Grandma shortly before she passed away in 2013, I was perusing some of her Christian news magazines. She always kept quite the stock. I came across an article about the plight of women in India and China. Apparently, those two countries are extremely oppressive toward women- some will even abort their baby if the gender is revealed as female. That awful fact really struck me. And I suppose that was the moment God focused the view of my lens in on two countries.

A couple months later when David and I began discussing our plans to adopt, our first step was choosing a program, or country. We talked about India and China. After some research, we learned we’re too young to adopt from China, so we looked into India. We met all the requirements! We found an amazing Christian agency that does adoptions in India, so we applied.

I know it might sound cliché, but India just seems right for our family. It’s hard to explain, but I’m so glad God gave us a passion for ONE country.

One terrifying and exciting thing adopting from India is the opportunity for God to work a miracle. The India program comes with various subjective rules including one about breaking birth order. India typically does not like for families with biological children to break birth order when they adopt. That means they would prefer for us to adopt a child younger than our youngest child. Additionally, it is rare for families- not of Indian heritage- to adopt a child under the age of three. Our youngest child, Brooks, is 15 months, so I’ll let you do the math! It’s seriously going to take a miracle for India to approve us to adopt.

We’re actually considered a “high risk family” for the India program. Because of this, we actually switched to the Ethiopia program for about a year- mainly out of fear. What if we spent thousands upon thousands of dollars only for India to tell us, “No you cannot adopt from us.” Ethiopia was a much safer program for us. Surprisingly, our adoption agency offered transfer program in December to the India program without any extra fees. We both knew immediately that we should go back to India. It would have been easier for us to adopt from Ethiopia- those kids are super cute, and there are so many in need. But, we were not called to adopt from Ethiopia. And WE will not accomplish this adoption.

Our child is waiting for us somewhere in India. And God will be the One to bring her home.

 So, now you have a very specific prayer request for our family: pray that CARA, the India agency for all things adoption, will look favorably upon our family and allow us to welcome one of their children into our home.

Trusting Him,

Adoption is not the only way to address the global orphan crisis. For other ways to get involved check out the book Orphanology by Tony Merida and Rick Morton. (Yes, this was the book that God used to open David’s heart to adoption!)


  1. I am so excited for you guys. Adoption is such a leap of faith AND emotional rollercoaster! I will be praying for you guys. Just remember, if it is His Will, NOTHING and NO ONE can stop you :)

    1. Thank you, Suzanne!!! YOU have been one of the greatest sources of encouragement for me... even if you didn't know it! I am learning by your faith. Cause we have no idea what we're doing. :-) Thank you for praying!!! Praying for you too!

  2. Praying for y'all! Excited to see how God brings the plans He has for y'all into fruition!

  3. Praying for you! Such an exciting time for your family.

  4. Wow, what an excited journey for you guys! How awesome! You're definately in our prayers!
