Our Adoption Story

Our Adoption Story

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Making Progress

Well, we have Step 1 completed for our adoption: Home Study Completion- notarized and ready to be sent to India!

Many people have asked us what this means and where we’re at in the adoption process, so I will do my best to explain. I’m still trying to process each detailed step. Even though we’ve completed so much paperwork, I still feel like I’m drowning in mounds of paperwork.

For the India program, we have to complete several steps:
1.     Complete the Home Study and Hague training: This is done! This was a long process. We actually received our initial home study paperwork over a year ago. A little deployment delayed our plans. Then we finally were able to have our home study in February, but there was more paperwork, which finally came in this past week. Signed—sealed—delivered—done!

2.     Register on CARINGS: This is the online adoption system in India. India allows 100 families per month to register. Since it's only mid-May we have a good chance of registering.  It generally takes them about two months to approve or disapprove a family. If India does not approve our home study this time, we will do another home study when Brooks is two (November) and try again.

3.     Submit the I-800A application: This is the process where we request permission from the US immigration office to bring an adopted child into the US. Basically it’s more paperwork and fingerprints again! We will be starting this step once we complete our CARINGS registration.

4.     Finish collecting and notarize dossier documents: Our dossier is a collection of about 30 documents we had to collect: Home Study, birth certificates, marriage licenses, physicals, financial forms, five reference letters, etc. I am so thankful to report we only have two documents left to collect! Then we will head to the notary with a giant file complete our dossier. We are hoping to complete our dossier this month.

5.     Apostille the dossier documents in each state where the document originated: Before beginning our dossier, I had never heard of an “apostille”. Basically, an apostille authenticates the notary.  This will be an easy process, it will just take some time. Most of our documents will head to Hawaii or D.C.

6.     Send completed dossier to AWA with payments and additional documentation: I’m not sure when we will complete our dossier, but I know that it will be soon. Our adoption fund is quickly depleting, which is a good sign because it means things are happening!

We are at a place now where we need to ask for financial help. In addition to filling out paperwork for adoption grants, we are squeezing in one quick fundraiser before we PCS to Wyoming. We are partnering with Noonday Collections to raise funds for our adoption: "Noonday Collection is the go to spot for on trend fashionable accessories and we are so excited to partner with Noonday's local ambassador for an adoption fundraiser trunk show in her home! The passion at Noonday is to advocate for orphans and help others rise out of poverty while styling you along the way. Fashion and design are a vehicle for opportunity and change. By wearing Noonday, you get to join the story of transformation one purchase at a time. Noonday is a fair trade company whose mission is to create sustainability through dignified jobs and fair wages to the most vulnerable in over 10 countries."

 Noonday will send 10% of the total sales to our adoption agency. If you’re interested in participating in this fundraiser, please let me know!

We will also send you one of our postcards with a thank you note. Our sweet and talented friend, Abby, designed them for us. Please post these cards on your fridge as a reminder to pray for this whole process.

We are overflowing with thanks to God for the incredible paperwork progress we've seen this month. We're encouraged! 

So Thankful,


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