Our Adoption Story

Our Adoption Story

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Wait.

“Adoption is lots and lot of paperwork, then waiting, waiting, waiting…” I chuckled as I heard Blaire summarize the adoption process recently. She has a fairly accurate assessment!

We are so grateful for the interest of many of you- our friends and family. Repeatedly, we are asked, “Any update on the adoption?”. The answer is: YES and NO. We know our first court is soon; however, we do not know when we will be able to travel.

We are in a period of waiting, waiting, and more waiting. As we inch closer to her first Birthday, the reality that she won’t be home with us weighs heavily in our hearts. Our little girl turns 1 next week on February 12. Our first court hearing is three days later, and we are praying earnestly that the judge will have a tender heart toward our case, approve the adoption with little question and allow us to move into the travel stage.

Our prayer request has been huge- we are praying that we will travel to India and bring her home in March!

Unfortunately, we don’t know what to expect. The judge could approve our case, and we’ll be booking tickets to India soon. Or, he could request more information, and we will have to wait another month of two for an additional hearing. The unknown has been difficult. It’s like being pregnant with an indefinite due date. My body isn’t changing, but my heart is exhausted!  

David and I would like to plead with you to mark your calendars on Valentine’s Day (that should be easy, right?) to PRAY. Our court is the 15th of February in India (convert your time zones!), so please pray for his heart. Pray for his decision. And pray that God will be glorified and we will be joyful whether the judge approves or disapproves our case.

The “Girls’ Room” is ready. We cannot wait to fill it.

Eagerly waiting,
Wait for the LORD;
be strong, and let your heart take courage;
wait for the LORD!

Psalm 27:14

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