Our Adoption Story

Our Adoption Story

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Third Times the Charm?

Our third court hearing is June 7. One week from now. Will this one be the last?

We knew the court process would be long and quiet, but we had no idea God will allow our process to last seven months (and counting). I have blogged again and again about waiting, so I won’t rehash those emotions. We are still anxious. We are still impatient. And we are still so eager to travel to India and bring our daughter home.

We entered the court process early December. Our first hearing was February 15. Our second hearing was March 30. Unfortunately, the judge was ill, so it didn’t even take place and wasn’t able to be rescheduled due to the courts closing in May. We prayed and prayer God would allow the courts to squeeze in our case, but He said no. He’s wise, and His timing is perfect even though we don’t understand.

We have been challenged to use this “wait time” to learn and grow. We’ve been preparing Brooks and Blaire for the drastic change that will enter our life soon. We’ve been reading piles of adoption picture books. We’ve been learning about cacooning and preparing for attachment- which may not come naturally. We’ve been attempting to tear down our romanticized views of adoption and realize that bringing her home will bring heartache, difficulty and adaptation in addition to the joy and relief. We’ve been sharing our story with many families interested in and curious about adopting from India. We’ve been talking about India more. And of course, we’re been praying for HER constantly.

I’ve been quiet on the blog because there hasn’t been much to say. But, again, I’m coming to you asking for prayer.  


We know you are a good, good Father. You love orphans a thousand times better than we ever could. Your ways are higher and they’re always good.

This judge’s rule is ultimately under your sovereignty. Help us to truly believe that. Give him good health to show up to the court hearing. Give grace to the courts- may the weather not be too unbearably hot for the hearing to take place. May this judge have a soft heart and strong desire to get this precious child into a permanent home- and may that be OUR home. Since we are the first international adoption from this orphanage, help him to understand why we are not present at the hearing. May he understand that this is common practice for international adoptions- even if it’s a procedure he’s unfamiliar with. And may that no deter him from dropping the gavel in approval.

We pray that your will will be done at this court hearing- and whether we receive a “Yes” or “Not right now”, your answer will be good for us and give you the most glory.
In your name we pray,

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