Our Adoption Story

Our Adoption Story

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Bring Her Home

Most of you probably know that we are awaiting to bring out little girl home. We received the official papers from her orphanage last week, which is super exciting. On every page, we had to write, "We accept ______ as our daughter." That was a super fun visit to the notary. One giant step closer to bringing her home!

With these official referral documents, we also get to send in a HEFTY check. Yikes! For the first time, we don't have enough saved in our adoption account. That's exciting in a sense because it means this process is moving fast! But we definitely don't want finances to be the factor that keeps our daughter in an orphanage.

Once again, we're asking for financial support. There are many ways to help us.

1. You can easily donate through our gofundme page. For every donation, we would like to send you a scenic matted photo as a thank you gift.

2. Host a Noonday Trunk Show: I recently became a Noonday Ambassador, so that I could earn some income to use for our adoption. My commission will be transferred to our adoption account. So, if you're in the Colorado/Wyoming/Nebraska area, talk to me about hosting a show! You can also find my website link on this page.

3. Send a check directly to our agency. Please just include our name, so they know where the funds should be directed!
America World Adoption
ATTN: Elise Lowe
6723 Whittier Avenue
McLean, VA  22101

Unfortunately, we still cannot post her picture or her name. But, she's incredible, and we cannot wait to meet her! We don't have a timeframe for bringing her home. She's almost 7 months old, and we're praying for a quick travel time, so she can be home for her Birthday in February!

We've been blessed by dozens of friends and families pouring prayers and donations into this adoption. We're so grateful, and we can't wait for the next step of this journey!


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