Our Adoption Story

Our Adoption Story

Monday, November 9, 2015

Happy #WAD!

Happy World Adoption Day!

I have so enjoyed seeing everyone/s sharpied on smiley faces! I thought today is a great day for a Lycan adoption update.

Instead of asking for more donations, I want to brag about how good God is and how generous people are!! Last week, we literally had $98 in our adoption savings account. After one donation from one of my old third grader’s parents, a huge grant check, some large Noonday trunk shows and a successful pancake breakfast at our church, we have almost enough for two plane tickets to India!!! Praise the Lord!  We are overwhelmed and so humbled.  We are hoping that money won’t stay in our account too long and that we will be booking tickets soon.

Our  beautiful pancake breakfast setup. Here are our amazing servers! 

David, one of the many amazing men flipping pancakes for our breakfast!! 

We frequently get asked where we are in the process. Right now, we are awaiting our NOC (No Objection Certificate). To put it simply, this is just one more level of approval that we need. It can take anywhere from 3-9 months or longer.

After we receive our NOC, we will await court approval. The purpose of court is to legally finalize and confirm us as the legal guardians of our daughter. It can take 5-6 months or longer for us to receive our court appointment. The court date determines when we travel.

So, if you do the math, we could travel in 8-15 months. Pretty vague and broad, right?  We are obviously praying for the short end of that timeframe, but we have to be prepared for the worst. Our daughter will be turning one in February of 2016, so we’re hoping we can bring her home close to her birthday.  

Thank you for all the questions. And thank you for all the donations!
And thank you for praying. Continue to pray that we will receive our NOC soon and that our court process will not take the full 6 months. Additionally pray for our patience. Pray for our daughter’s orphanage. We are thankful for them, and we trust they’re taking the best care of our daughter!



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