Our Adoption Story

Our Adoption Story

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

One down... ? to go....

David and I have been on a social media hiatus, but we wanted to break that to update you on the decision of our first court hearing.

First of all, I was overwhelmed by the amount of prayer support we have received! I was in shock about how many of you marked your calendars and asked for prayer cards. Thank you. We are so deeply grateful!

Our case was not approved this first time and is pending further scrutiny. Our second hearing will be March 30. This is very typical- the court process is very long and can take 4-9 months. We've only been at this for two months, so we cannot complain. But, we do yearn for our daughter and can't help but feel disappointment that we won't be traveling to bring her home in March.

We know God is sovereign and He is *GOOD*. I'm so thankful that in my Bible reading plan today, I "had" to read Philippians 4. Perfect! What an encouragement to rejoice always! What a promise- that we can do all things through Christ- we can be joyful when our prayers are answered right away  and we can rejoice when God says "Wait."

Thank you for praying. Please continue to pray for our little girl in India- that she will knows she is loved and wanted. Pray that she will grow well. And praise the Lord for her orphanage- for feeding and clothing her while we wait.


1 comment:

  1. Certainly not the news we were hoping for. Your last requests demonstrates your trust in a sovereign God. (( ))
